
Nickel plating is a yellowish white, hard reflective finish that is used for wear resistance, solderability, and dimensional restoration. It is often applied over copper and under chromium for a decorative finish. If an application requires bright nickel, a brightener can be used. It increases brightness, internalizes stress, and lowers the ductility. Avoid specifying bright nickel if the component requires bending or crimping after coating. If bending or crimping is needed, one option is to use Watt’s nickel.

This semi-bright nickel has a more satiny finish than bright nickel but it is more ductile. If heat shock or minor bending of the component is anticipated it would be better to specify semi-bright nickel in order to reduce the risk of the coat flaking off. Typical thickness of nickel surface coating is .0008”.

Haven't found what you're looking for? Dynacast offers a wide range of surface finishes and plating options. Contact our team today to hear about other options available to our customers.


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Última actualización 12.17.2019