Material Information

Creating the perfect component begins with choosing the right material. And when it comes to making this choice, we don’t believe in limiting your options.
  • Most of our factories use small machines with small melt pots which eliminate the need for a centralized furnace
  • This gives us greater flexibility, allowing us to melt different materials when needed
  • We keep multiple alloys in stock at all times
  • We develop alloys specifically to improve mechanical properties and enhance corrosion resistance
  • We supply a wide range of cosmetic finishes such as anodized aluminum

Our multiple material options ensure you enjoy a number of unique benefits:

  • You get greater design freedom to create the geometry and component features your product demands
  • Our wide range of alloys allows you to select specific options to reduce weight and costs
  • You’re assured you’ll always be able to find the right alloy for your component without having to rely on several different suppliers

  • 重量輕且能夠承受所有壓鑄合金的最高工作溫度。我們專屬的薄壁鋁技術能夠以較低的零件成本製造更小、更輕的產品。

  • 具有牢固、堅硬、超輕、可完全回收利用、以及絕佳的電磁干擾/射頻干擾(EMI/RFI)罩等特性。對於用途以節省重量為首要考量者,鎂是極佳的壓鑄材料。

  • 由於極高的強度及絕佳的硬度,使得鋅成為加工、加壓、衝壓與組合零件的理想替代品。


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最近更新 10.02.2023