Die Casting Materials


When it’s time to choose materials for your die cast component design, how will you decide which metal to use?

Before you go too far in your design, it helps to learn a bit about each of the options readily available for manufacture. Download our on-demand seminar to learn from our metals expert about Die Cast Material Options to give you a top-level view of the choices you’ll need to make, including a full list of alloys and our free interactive process and metal selector.

Fill out the form below to access the webinar.

Die Casting Materials

When it’s time to choose materials for your die cast component design, how will you decide which metal to use?

Before you go too far in your design, it helps to learn a bit about each of the options readily available for manufacture. Download our on-demand seminar to learn from our metals expert about Die Cast Material Options to give you a top-level view of the choices you’ll need to make, including a full list of alloys and our free interactive process and metal selector.

Fill out the form below to access the webinar.


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Dernière mise à jour 11.01.2022