Converting to Die Casting in 12 Steps


When considering a die casting conversion, it is essential to identify specific application factors that remain essential for the product's success. Additionally, selecting the optimal die casting alloy, whether it is ZN or AL, is crucial in ensuring the performance and cost-effectiveness of the final product. Cost reduction is one of the main reasons for die casting conversion, and understanding how the current part's cost will be significantly reduced through this process is crucial.


To learn more, register for our free on-demand webinar Converting to Die Casting in 12 Steps. In this webinar, Dave Haener and Don Marsh of Dynacast covered the following questions surrounding the benefits of converting to die casting: 


  • Why Should I Convert to Die Casting?
  • What Specific Application Factors Remain Essential?
  • How Do I Select the Optimal Die Casting Alloy: Zn vs Al?
  • How Will Current Part Costs Be Reduced?
  • How Can We Validate the Conversion
  • Where Can I See Examples of This Process?
  • And more! 


Converting to Die Casting in 12 Steps

When: On-Demand

Time: Watch Recording Now  

Presenters: Dave Haener, Engineering Manager and Donald Marsh, Senior Business Development Manager - Dynacast

Fill out the form below to sign up for our free webinar: 



Interested in any other topics on die casting? You can view additional resources on Moving from Plastic to Metal for Ultimate Part Strength, Machining Conversion to Die Casting, or Dynamic Process & Metal Selector.


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